DPM Performance Car Parts


Looking for spare car parts for an Audi RS4? DPM Performance stock a range of Pipercross Air Filters, Eibach and KW Anti Roll Bars, Bilstein Dampers and FK Wheel Spacers to name but a few. Our online shop is easy to use and you should have no problem finding what you need but if you do, please give us a call and talk to one of the team. All of our RS4 car parts come with free delivery.

Sorry, we don't have any Wheel Adaptors available for your car at the moment.

Ever wanted to fit wheels from a different make or model to your Audi RS4?... Well with DPM Performance's range of FK and H&R alloy wheel adaptors that's now possible.

Supplied in pairs with various different widths available, our wide range of FK and H&R alloy wheel adaptors now allow you to change the stud pattern of your car to that of a different make of model and enable you to fit pretty much any set of wheels safely and securely to your Audi RS4.